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Number: 712

September 10, 2024 - September 12, 2024
0800 - 1700 on 9/10-9/11 & 0800 - 1200 on 9/12/24

Students will see first-hand how Criminal patrol techniques can yield large and small drug and other type arrests from traffic stops and other legal contacts with people of society regardless of age, sex, race, gender or any other class or designation.  These students will learn about the growing number of drugs they may see in their area and how to battle them.  The students will learn how to put these legal techniques into place with these types of contacts after completing the class.

Upon completion each student will have been provided the instruction to:

  • Learn the History of contraband saturation into the U.S. and how over time the trends and patterns have shifted
  • Identify legal traffic stops
  • Identify the conversational questions and concealed interviews during the encounter
  • Identifying indicators
  • Detect that some terrorist networks are tied to drugs and how to stop them
  • Requesting Consent legally
  • Identifying search and seizure laws especially search incident to arrest, probable cause, consent and other legal techniques
  • Properly using K-9’s and the case law pertaining to their deployments
  • Identify how be more officer safety conscious
  • How actual search techniques should escalate
  •  Locating hidden contraband in very sophisticated compartments
  • Identify Cover loads
  • What to do after criminal activity or contraband is located
  • Documenting these arrests properly
  • How Controlled deliveries can develop into more arrests and the perks with them
  • Recognize Escort/Decoy Vehicles and the awareness with them needed
  • Identify Currency seizure procedures and how they benefit your agency


Non-MTU 8 Members: Register with Public Agency Training Council online at The fee to attend is $425.00.