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Number: 718

May 15, 2023 - May 19, 2023
0800 - 1700

This course will provide the attendee with the skills and competency to conduct complete and thorough homicide investigations with prosecutorial merit. Additionally, the attendee will be provided with the skills to recognize and handle other types of death investigations, bringing them to a successful conclusion.

At the beginning of the class a case will be examined through discussion, question and answers, as well as, an evaluation of evidence discovered by student observations. After the discussion the students will evaluate whether the classification of the case should be accidental death, suicide or homicide.

The class will cover three basic steps in all homicide investigations: Crime Scene, Follow-up and Case Courtroom presentation.

This course will provide participants with an in-depth and step-by-step processes handling of high-profile major incidents most affecting communities, including, but not limited to, investigating cases of multiple homicides, crimes of violence against vulnerable populations. Actual case studies will be presented to illustrate the points and practices to emphasize the relevance to successfully resolving cases.