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Number: 810

June 9, 2025 - June 10, 2025

ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) Training is the leading program for response to violent critical incidents (VCI). VCI are man-made forms of violent disasters including: active shooter, violent intruder, mass shooting, terrorism, workplace violence, and other unexpected tragedies.

The mission of ALICE is to save lives. Our training program empowers individuals to participate in their own survival using proactive options-based response strategies when faced with violence. Participating in ALICE Instructor Certification provides you with the training necessary to teach others these lifesaving strategies.

Prerequisite: Prior to your two-day class, you must complete the required ALICE Introduction for Instructors e-Learning course, which is an included prerequisite with this training. Within 5 minutes of your registration for ALICE Instructor Certification Training, you will receive an email invitation to set up an account to access this e-Learning course. This will give you the basic knowledge and foundation to prepare you for class. The course will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

ALICE Certified Instructor Role: Completion of this training program allows you to become an ALICE Certified Instructor (ACI).

As an ACI, you will receive the necessary training and materials to conduct ALICE overview and refresher presentations and lead the hands-on portion of training in the ALICE Blended delivery model. In the ALICE Blended model, user-level training participants learn the ALICE strategies through the ALICE Basic e-Learning course. Then these strategies are reinforced and supported through hands-on training provided by you, an ACI. ALICE Instructor Certification lasts for 3 years, aligns with the education year and is renewed online by successfully completing an eLearning course and post eLearning assessment. The Re-certification fee is included in your course fee.

Permitted Uses: Through the ALICE Blended delivery model (e-Learning + hands-on training), ACI’s may only provide training to their own organization, and law enforcement officers may train public entities, within their jurisdiction, while on duty. Any other use, whether commercial or educational, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Navigate360.

Course Objectives At the end of this course, the participants should be able to:

  • Describe the history of active shooter events in America.
  • Discuss how the traditional Lockdown-only strategy became a standard response.
  • Discuss the history of options-based responses.
  • Identify the research and documents which support proactive, options-based strategies and training for civilians.
  • Understand what trauma-informed training means and how to properly identify and avoid re-traumatizing any individual in the training that may have an adverse change in behavior due to personal trauma.
  • Explain how Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate strategies work and can be implemented. Apply ALICE Training as part of Organization Certification for their organization, through a blended learning model consisting of eLearning and hands-on- demonstrations, practical scenarios, critical thinking drills, and evacuation drills.
  • Properly implement age and ability appropriate training to ensure all individuals in your organization or community are properly informed based on their cognitive, emotional, and physical capacities.

Course Overview This course will review the following:

  • History of ALICE.
  • Examination of Law Enforcement response time.
  • Data and rationale to support proactive, options-based strategies.
  • Implementation strategies using the blended learning model of ALICE Training.
  • Explanations of ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform Counter, and Evacuate) strategies.
  • Activity: Participate in hands-on-demonstrations and critical thinking drill cards
  • Activity: Participate in Scenarios.
  • Activity: Participants will engage in an in-class presentation teach back.

* Participants will have one in-person teach-back during the class time, which will be graded. If you receive an inadequate score, you will need to submit the teach-back virtually to receive your certification. You will have two attempts to properly demonstrate your knowledge of the program and how you communicate the strategies to others prior to needing to retake the course.

Instructor Resources:

At the end of this course, you will receive the following ALICE Certified Instructor Resources:

  • ALICE Instructor Certification e-Learning Course – valid for3 years of certification and aligned to the school year
  • Instructor-Led Demonstrations Guide
  • ALICE Safe Scenario Guide
  • ALICE Training Presentation
  • ALICE Instructor Certificate Implementation support from a dedicated ALICE representative and the ALICE Client Success team
  • Critical Thinking Drill Cards

All Instructor Resources are located in the ALICE e-Learning portal and are unlocked after you pass the Instructor Certification test. Our training program empowers individuals to participate in their own survival using proactive options-based response strategies when faced with violence. Participating in ALICE Instructor Certification provides you the training necessary to teach others these lifesaving strategies. To ensure we are all aligned in our mission to save more lives by empowering individuals to participate in their own survival it is important to take this class seriously. Although the class is interactive and at times lighthearted it is still purpose-driven and expectations will need to be met to get a certificate.

To Pass the course successfully, you will need to complete the following:

  • Completed the Prerequisite ALICE Introduction for Instructors e-Learning course
  • Attend the full 16-hour ALICE Certified Instructor Course
  • Pass the in-person Instructor teach-back
  • Complete and pass the ALICE Instructor Test located in your ALICE Instructor Portal

This course is grant funded through ILETSB. There is no fee for Illinois Law Enforcement Officers to attend this course. 

Instructor: ALICE Instructors
Location: Dwight High School