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Number: 811

April 28, 2025 - April 30, 2025

The CTK Group’s Advanced Interview and Interrogation Course is specifically designed for officers and investigators whose primary focus is felony level cases.  Built upon the foundational game plan from the Evidenced Based Interview and Interrogation Course, the Advanced Course challenges felony-level investigators to perfect their awareness of custody and voluntariness issues. This course examines the most recent research on interview and interrogation including the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), conversation management, the PEACE Method, and traditional interrogation training in the United States as it relates to cognitive interviewing for suspects, strategic use of evidence, and persuasion. The ever-challenging issues of jail and prison interrogations, false confessions, juvenile interactions, and Miranda invocation issues are addressed and explained in detail. Interrogation case studies in homicide and abuse cases are also included in the curriculum.