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Number: 811

  • Civil Rights
  • Constitutional Use of Law Enforcement Authority
  • Lead Homicide Investigator
  • Legal Updates
  • Procedural Justice
December 13, 2024
0830 - 1630

This crime scene course is designed for patrol officers, detectives or recently assigned evidence technicians/CSIs.  Officers will review how to avoid crime scene contamination and discuss how to increase evidence potential from the scene.  The impact of these techniques upon specific criminal investigative disciplines will also be discussed.

Topics Include:

  • Crime scene management
  • Crime scene photography
  • Crime scene sketching, and diagramming,
  • Forensic Laboratory Sections
  • Evidence recognition, handling, packaging, and submission
  • Trace, tool mark, firearm evidence and I.B.I.S. technology
  • Footwear/tire track castings
  • Latent prints, impression evidence, and AFIS technology
  • Biological evidence, D.N.A. and C.O.D.I.S. technology
  • Search warrants and consent to search
  • Advances in evidence technology
  • Crime Scene Report writing