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Number: 728

March 4, 2024
0830 - 1630

Is your Communications Center prepared to recognize and respond to any “In-Progress” event? What type of specialized training has your staff received regarding events that like workplace violence, home invasion robberies, drive-by shootings, domestic violence events or robberies? This class will better prepare your 9-1-1 professionals for these events.

This workshop is about knowing what to do before you need to do it. Dispatchers will pushed to be better critical thinkers in this course.

Call types in this course include: Workplace and Domestic Violence/Spillover Domestic Violence, School Violence, Active Assailants, Vehicle Pursuits, Home Invasion, Business Robberies, and many more.

Topics Include:

  • Recognizing the profile of a potentially aggressive workplace violence suspect
  • The Dispatchers tactical role and response to an “active shooter event”
  • Proper handling of missing or abducted child calls
  • Great reminders of citizen and responder safety during domestic and family violence events
  • Pre-planning strategies for handling in-progress events
  • Questions you can ask to assist in the prosecution of suspects

There is a direct emphasis on the safety of field personnel while they provide an “In-Progress” response. Their safety is our first responsibility in every situation we dispatch them to. This class’s main focus is communication and the safety of all responders involved. In this industry, we learn from past incidents and work together to move forward in a positive way.